fredag 29 januari 2010

Ny kund

Vi har just fått det fantastiska uppdraget att försöka göra någonting lite intressantare med Havre Fras förpackningar. Första uppdraget är en Nordisk samordning av paketen. Otroligt rolig produkt och varumärke.

tisdag 26 januari 2010

Voiceover recording

We recorded a voiceover for yet another Pöyry film today. Swedish actress Ingela did a superb British English accent and it was over and done with in just 40 minutes. John Lundberg from Pixl Family and Mattias from Riviera doing their magic at the mixing board.

måndag 25 januari 2010

Persbrandt posters in times of Swine flu

Together with art director Lars Andersson and photographer Mattias Edwall, I made these posters for immune defense booster Immolina. Launched just-in-time to tap into the general swine flu craze in society.

måndag 18 januari 2010

Healthy breakfast, Lotta style

Lotta made a healthy smoothie on Sunday morning including the latest in antioxidants, Goji berries. First time in a long time I found something so healthy tasting so good. They looked great too, at least after Lotta's good hands.

Compulsive, Swedish disorder

I hate myself for not resisting the bayer og en lille en. It is probably more Swedes enjoying this pleasure than Danes nowadays.

A night to remember

Went to Copenhagen for a pitch meeting on Friday. Afterwards I had the greatest afternoon in a long time visiting old friends, the adorable and beautiful Sinding sisters Nina and Anouska. The champagne was dry, cold and for me it was free. More champagne was gulped down at the Conran place in the harbour before I enjoyed a meal on my own in the Japanese fish restaurant. Best meal in a long time. Love the city. Love the sisters.

onsdag 13 januari 2010

Peter Johansson prästvigd

Gode vännen Peter Johansson prästvigdes i Storkyrkan söndagen den 10 januari. Fantastisk upplevelse. Det serverades lunch i Hedvig Elionoras församlingssal efteråt, en lokal där farmor och hennes syster gifte sig med farfar och hans bror för sjuttio år sedan. KlaraLinnea och Anna-Maja fick sitta i en helt egen soffa och kände sig säkert lite äldre än vad de egentligen är.

Man måste ju visa maten på bloggen

Caneloni i mellandagarna. Ost för en förmögenhet blandat med grädde, tomatsås och lite, lite spenat.

- 16 Kungsberget dan innan nyårsafton

Veckans outfits

Nya mössor inhandlade i skidshopen.

The Heikki limo

When you become president of Pöyry, this car comes as a privilege along with an experienced driver. The clean old-school look reminds me of the Finair planes. Fins do have a sense of style after all.

Going home in style

The 85 year aniversary planes just look the best. I love them!